HERitage Leaders is a women’s club formed under the non-profit organization Alliance of Polish Clubs in the USA (ZKP) in 2024, in partnership with May 3rd Constitution Day Parade Queen (Królowa Parady Konctytucji 3 Maja) and its past winners and contestants. The HERitage Leaders club is overseen by its President Dr. Łucja Mirowska-Kopeć.
The club’s goal is to celebrate and strengthen the Polish heritage of women all around the world and advocate for women’s empowerment and career development through providing mentorship, resources, advice, education, networking, and community to women of all ages who seek to develop themselves personally and professionally.
To accomplish this goal, our club holds conferences with female role models, runs development workshops, and releases a monthly newsletter that includes interviews with female role models from our community.
Young Women Articles
Articles for young women who are about to start or are in college and need advice for navigating various aspects in that stage of their career
Career Women Articles
Articles for career women who seek information on career development, lifestyle, and general guidance
Mentor Interviews
Transcribed interviews our club has conducted with various women leaders and experts in a variety of careers
Conferences & Events
Archive of recordings of past HERitage Leaders conferences and registration for future HERitage Leader events